Java client cookbook

This document describes how to use the Java client API to interact with the Nxqd server. Two modes of operation exist, standard Nxqd mode, and Xml:Db mode. Support for the full Xml:Db specification is not completed yet, so your mileage may vary.


The easiest way to use the Nxqd Java API is via Maven. Simply add the following to your file :


This will configure Maven to download the correct jars from the Nxqd Maven repository. Now add the dependency into your project.xml file :







Alternatively, if you would like to use Ant or other build tools, you will need to manually download and configure all of the Nxqd dependencies listed here.

Nxqd mode usage

This mode provides the tightest integration with existing Sleepycat functionality, and in theory should provide slightly better XPath and XQuery performance.

For more comprehensive and up to date information of all functionality available, please browse the Javadoc API.
Code snippets
  1. Connecting to the Nxqd server

    • String host = "localhost";

      int port = 8080;

      NxqdManager client = new NxqdManager(host,port);

  2. Creating and deleting a Container

    • String containerName = "mycontainer";

      // create the container

      NxqdContainer container = client.createContainer(containerName);

      // delete the container


  3. Adding, retrieving and removing a document

    • String testDocument = "....";

      String documentId = "mydocumentid";

      org.w3c.dom.Document doc1 = net.sf.nxqd.Utils.docFromString(testDocument);

      Document doc2 = null;

      // add the document


      // retrieve the document

      org.w3c.dom.Document doc2;

      doc2 = container.getDocument(documentId);

      // delete the document


Xml:Db mode usage

This mode is written on top of the Nxqd-mode API, and provides a standard Xml:Db API view for your code to interact transparently with the Nxqd server, or other Xml:Db servers such as eXist and Apache.

Due to the fact that Sleepycat does not natively support nested containers, some of the XPath and XQuery expressions have to be pre-processed to support nested recursion through this virtual recreation of nested containers, and possible performance issues may arise.
Xml:Db code examples
  1. Configuring and loading the correct database driver

    • Class c = Class.forName("net.sf.nxqd.xmldb.NxqdDatabase");

      String uriPrefix = "xmldb:nxqd://localhost:8080/db";

      Database database = (Database) c.newInstance();


      rootCollection = DatabaseManager.getCollection(uriPrefix, username, password);

  2. Creating and deleting a Container

    • String collectionName = rootCollection.createId();

      Collection parentCollection = serviceParent.createCollection(collectionName);

      String[] children = parentCollection.listChildCollections();

      CollectionManagementService service = (CollectionManagementService)rootCollection.getService("CollectionManagementService", "1.0");
