Uses of Class

Packages that use NxqdException

Uses of NxqdException in net.sf.nxqd

Methods in net.sf.nxqd that throw NxqdException
 void NxqdResults.add(NxqdValue value)
          Adds the specified NxqdValue to the end of the results set.
 void NxqdModify.addAppendStep(NxqdQueryExpression selectionExpr, int type, String name, String content)
          Appends the provided data to the selected node's child notes.
 void NxqdModify.addAppendStep(NxqdQueryExpression selectionExpr, int type, String name, String content, int location)
          Appends the provided data to the selected node's child notes.
 void NxqdModify.addInsertAfterStep(NxqdQueryExpression selectionExpr, int type, String name, String content)
          Inserts the provided data into the document after the selected node.
 void NxqdModify.addInsertBeforeStep(NxqdQueryExpression selectionExpr, int type, String name, String content)
          Inserts the provided data into the document before the selected node, as a previous sibling.
 void NxqdModify.addRemoveStep(NxqdQueryExpression selectionExpr)
          Removes the node targeted by the selection expression.
 void NxqdModify.addRenameStep(NxqdQueryExpression selectionExpr, String newName)
          Renames an element node, attribute node, or processing instruction.
 void NxqdModify.addUpdateStep(NxqdQueryExpression selectionExpr, String content)
          Replaces the targeted node's content with text.
 Document NxqdXMLValue.asDocument()
 String NxqdXMLValue.asString()
 boolean NxqdContainer.blobExists(String blobId)
          The blobExists method checks if the specified blob exists.
 void NxqdManager.connect()
 boolean NxqdManager.containerExists(String containerName)
          The containerExists method checks if the specified container exists.
 NxqdContainer NxqdManager.createContainer(String containerName)
          The createContainer method creates the specified container A NxqdException is thrown if the container already exists.
 NxqdModify NxqdManager.createModify()
          The createModify method will create an XmlModify object.
 void NxqdContainer.deleteBlob(String blobId)
          The deleteBlob method deletes the specified blob from this container using the specified blobId.
 void NxqdManager.deleteContainer(NxqdContainer container)
          The deleteContainer method deletes the specifed container.
 void NxqdManager.deleteContainer(String containerName)
          The deleteContainer method deletes the specifed container.
 void NxqdContainer.deleteDocument(String documentId)
          The deleteDocument method deletes the specified document from this container using the specified documentId.
 void NxqdManager.disconnect()
 boolean NxqdContainer.documentExists(String documentId)
          The documentExists method checks if the specified document exists.
 byte[] NxqdBlobValue.getBlob()
 NxqdBlobValue NxqdContainer.getBlob(String blobId)
          The getBlob method retrieves the specified blob from the database.
 NxqdContainer NxqdManager.getContainer(String containerName)
          The getContainer method returns a handle to the specified container.
 NxqdXMLValue NxqdContainer.getDocument(String documentId)
          The getDocument method retrieves the specified document from this container using the specified documentId.
 long NxqdContainer.getNumDocuments()
          Returns the number of XML Documents in this container.
 List NxqdManager.getResults(int numResults, String sessionID, int queryID)
          The getResults method will retrieve the results after a lazyQuery has been executed.
 boolean NxqdResults.hasNext()
          Returns true if there is another element in the results set.
 boolean NxqdResults.hasPrevious()
          Returns true if there is a previous element in the results set.
 int NxqdManager.lazyQuery(String queryExpression, Map nameSpaces, String sessionID)
          The lazyQuery method executes the specified queryExpression on this database.
 List NxqdContainer.listBlobs()
          The listBlobs method lists the id's of the blobs managed by this container.
 List NxqdManager.listContainers()
          The listContainers method returns a List containing the container names managed by the server.
 List NxqdContainer.listDocuments()
          The listDocuments method returns a List containing the document id's managed by the server.
          Retrieves the next value in the result set.
 NxqdValue NxqdResults.peek()
          Returns the current element in the results set without moving the internal iterator.
 NxqdQueryExpression NxqdManager.prepare(String query)
          Describe prepare method here.
 NxqdValue NxqdResults.previous()
          Retrieves the previous value in the result set.
 void NxqdContainer.putBlob(String blobId, NxqdBlobValue blob)
          The putBlob method stores the specified blob object as a binary resources in the database under the specified id.
 void NxqdContainer.putDocument(String documentId, NxqdXMLValue document)
          The putDocument method adds the document to this container using the specified documentId.
 List NxqdManager.query(String queryExpression)
          The query method executes the specified queryExpression on this database.
 List NxqdManager.query(String queryExpression, Map nameSpaces)
          The query method executes the specified queryExpression on this database.
 void NxqdManager.renameContainer(String oldName, String newName)
          The renameContainer method creates the specified container A NxqdException is thrown if the container already exists.
 void NxqdResults.reset()
          If a query was processed with eager evaluation, a call to this method resets the result set iterator, so that a subsequent call to next() method will return the first value in the result set.
 void NxqdBlobValue.setBlob(byte[] b)
 int NxqdResults.size()
          If a query was processed with eager evaluation, a call to this method returns the number of values in the result set.

Constructors in net.sf.nxqd that throw NxqdException
NxqdBlobValue(byte[] b)
NxqdXMLValue(Document document)
NxqdXMLValue(String xmlString)

Uses of NxqdException in net.sf.nxqd.common

Methods in net.sf.nxqd.common that throw NxqdException
static Document NxqdUtils.docFromString(String documentAsString)
          The docFromString method converts a java.lang.String object into a org.w3c.dom.Document.
static String NxqdUtils.docToString(Document document)
          The docToString method converts a Document object into a java.lang.String.
static String NxqdUtils.docToString(Node node)
          The docToString method converts a Document object into a java.lang.String.

Uses of NxqdException in net.sf.nxqd.soap

Methods in net.sf.nxqd.soap that throw NxqdException
 void AxisConnector.connect()
 void AxisConnector.disconnect()
 Object Axis2Connector.invoke(String operationName, Object[] parameters)
 Object AxisConnector.invoke(String operationName, Object[] parameters)
 Object AxisConnector.invoke(String operationName, QName returnType, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameterValues)
 Object AxisConnector.invoke(String operationName, QName returnType, String[] parameterNames, QName[] parameterTypes, Object[] parameterValues)
 Object Axis2Connector.invoke(String operationName, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameterValues)
 Object AxisConnector.invoke(String operationName, String[] parameterNames, Object[] parameters)
 Object Axis2Connector.invoke(String operationName, String[] parameterNames, QName[] parameterTypes, Object[] parameterValues)

Uses of NxqdException in net.sf.nxqd.xmldb

Methods in net.sf.nxqd.xmldb that throw NxqdException
static String NxqdDatabase.extractCollectionPath(String uri)
          The extractCollectionPath method will extract the Collection path from the uri parameter.
static String NxqdDatabase.parsePort(String uri)
          The parseHost method will extract the port value from the uri parameter.

Constructors in net.sf.nxqd.xmldb that throw NxqdException
NxqdBinaryResource(Collection parent, String id, String type)
          The a new NxqdBinaryResource constructor creates a new instance of NxqdBinaryResource.
NxqdXMLResource(Collection parent, String id, String type)
          The a new NxqdXMLResource constructor creates a new instance of NxqdXMLResource.

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